SafetySecurity “Je kan enkel groeien als je je durft verdiepen in het onbekende.” Twintig jaar. Zolang draait Tom Thijs al mee als beveiligingsspecialist in het team van Rombit.…charlotteMay 25, 2021
DevelopmentFull Stack Developer The ongoing Rombit journey to Azure DevOps Pipelines Exploring the options of Azure DevOps PipelinescharlotteJanuary 9, 2020
computer visiondeep learningMachine learning Computer Vision With Jetson Nano Technical deepdive into deploying SSD MobileNet v2 on top of a Jetson Nano edge device.charlotteDecember 10, 2019
Full Stack Developer Full Stack Europe 2019 – Takeaways Part 2: Architectural Trends Did you miss FSE19? Read more about the main architectural trends: Serverless and Hexagon.charlotteNovember 26, 2019